Attending this event?
You belong here!  The Telluride Yoga Festival is a four-day yoga and wellness gathering that manages to be both intimate and world-class.  This inspirational festival offers yoga, meditation, hiking, music, wellness workshops, outdoor adventures, and more. The 15th annual event will be an unforgettable weekend of connection and inspiration from its new campus in Mountain Village.  Find Yourself in Telluride June 27-30, 2024.
Thursday, June 27

9:00am MDT

Space, Sky, Rivers, & Ground: Embodying the Elements in Yoga

Amidst the stunning backdrop of Telluride, we are called to embody the elements of yoga. For centuries, yogis have understood the microcosm of the body to be inseparable from the elements that give rise to the bones, blood, breath, and nerves. The art of practice involves finding a coordinated balance between each of the five elements-- earth, water, fire, air, and space. In this in-depth study, we explore the anatomical, energetic, and psycho-spiritual qualities of each element. Through postures, breathwork, meditation, and sound, we build stability and ease within the five elements. Tias teaches through imagery, anatomical drawing, poetry, scripture, and metaphor to provide a felt sense of the presence of each embodied element. By harmonizing the five elements, we increase the flow of prana through all the channels of the subtle body. Practice includes meditation, flowing movements (SATYA), dharma study, and both dynamic and therapeutic asana.

avatar for Tias Little

Tias Little

Founder & Owner, Prajna Yoga
Tias Little makes his home under the big skies of Santa Fe New Mexico. He synthesizes more than 30 years of study in classical yoga, Sanskrit, Buddhism, and poetic language into his dynamic, original style of teaching. Tias earned a master’s degree in Eastern philosophy from St... Read More →

Thursday June 27, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm MDT
Peaks Ballroom

1:00pm MDT

Energetic Alignment

Alignment is an expression of the greatest vitality and the most amount of ease in our being. We'll explore an approach to alignment that goes beyond muscle and bone and connects us with the movement of energy in the subtle body.

Through this immersion, we’ll explore what it is to reconnect and re-center our energy, using the five directions of prana or the Prana Vayus.

Whether on our mat or in the world, we'll explore an approach to alignment that goes beyond muscle and bone and connects us with the movement of energy in the subtle body.

avatar for Janet Stone

Janet Stone

Founder, Janet Stone Yoga
Janet’s yoga journey began at 17 under Maharaji, her meditation teacher, whose reverence for simplicity and joy live on in her practice and teachings to this day. She shares from the depth of her own sadhana (sustained practice), her studentship in the eight-limbed path, her creative... Read More →

Thursday June 27, 2024 1:00pm - 4:00pm MDT
Ananda Tent in the Conference Center Plaza

1:00pm MDT

Work IN Through the Body

Did you know your brain and body thrive when you move in a variety of ways?  “Novelty, creativity, challenge, attention, organization, reset, focus, listen, rewire” are all words that we use in LYT Yoga Method because they represent the action of going in. Through the body, we discover hidden or closed-down pathways that we fire up through specific developmental patterns. By working in through the body, we might witness thoughts or perceptions about ourselves that we can reframe or rewrite. Through the body, we literally and metaphorically sweat NEW cells of transformative juice that refuels us and reminds us that we CAN and we WILL be the authors of our own stories through the power of the body-brain team. With the mindfulness of yoga and the intelligence of physical therapy,  this LYT experience will empower you with education about the body so you can feel at home. Work IN Through the Body.

avatar for Lara Heimann

Lara Heimann

Founder, LYT Yoga®
Lara Heimann is an international yoga pioneer and Physical Therapist focused on evolving the practice of yoga to empower movement and balance amidst a modern lifestyle of technology and sedentariness. With an advanced degree in physical therapy and more than 25 years of yoga practice... Read More →

Thursday June 27, 2024 1:00pm - 4:00pm MDT
Peaks Ballroom
Friday, June 28

8:00am MDT

Earth and Sky

Let's move and warm up for the weekend!  An invigorating focused practice with pranayama, vinyasa, some partner work, challenging poses with demonstrations, arm balances, backbends, inversions, quiet meditation, and blissful deep relaxation. Rediscover your connection with all living things, your divine nature, and each other.  

avatar for Karl Straub

Karl Straub

Founder, Sanctuary Zurich
Karl was born in North Carolina, and he was introduced to meditation around age 10. He became a competitive swimmer, singer, dolphin communication researcher, and graduate of Duke University. He lived 6 years in NYC, taught math and science, and founded one of the world`s first web... Read More →

Friday June 28, 2024 8:00am - 9:15am MDT
Root to Rise Tent at The Gondola Plaza

8:00am MDT

The Sacred Sacrum: The Seat of Our Energy

Our sacred bone, made of 5 fused vertebrae, is the physical center of support for our body and often the source of lower back pain when we are imbalanced or moving sub-optimally. Learning how to stabilize the sacrum is the ultimate way to honor its magnificent structural and energetic power. Prepare to be amazed at the shift in your energy as we move through a variety of poses in multiple directions and fortify our seat!

avatar for Lara Heimann

Lara Heimann

Founder, LYT Yoga®
Lara Heimann is an international yoga pioneer and Physical Therapist focused on evolving the practice of yoga to empower movement and balance amidst a modern lifestyle of technology and sedentariness. With an advanced degree in physical therapy and more than 25 years of yoga practice... Read More →

Friday June 28, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am MDT
Peaks Ballroom

10:00am MDT

Festival Attunement: Flow with Rufus Du Sol

Surrender to the flow of this powerful breathwork and yoga experience to the magical music of Rufus Du Sol.  This inspiring, yet challenging class will be a true meditation where you will get to dance with your breath and express yourself through the movement.  This intentional vinyasa sequence will also emphasize Hello the importance of the "journey from pose to pose." The first half of class will be vigorous, but mindful, led by a one breath per movement flow with standing and balancing postures following. The practice will wind down on the ground with seated and finishing postures, finishing where we started with breathwork and meditation, and of course, a sweet and juicy savasana.

avatar for Donny Starkins

Donny Starkins

Teacher/Coach, donnystarkins.com
Donny Starkins is international yoga instructor, mindfulness teacher and life coach from Phoenix, Arizona. As a former Division 1 baseball player, Donny’s yoga journey started in 2005 by searching for pain relief after seven operations on his left knee. Fast forward to today, Donny... Read More →

Friday June 28, 2024 10:00am - 11:15am MDT
Root to Rise Tent at The Gondola Plaza

10:00am MDT

Instinctive Meditation: The Path of Wonder and Delight

Join Coby and delve into an experience of Instinctive Meditation®. This path invites you to touch the sacred amid everyday life by gazing at nature, cherishing the breath, bathing in silence, dancing, chanting, and loving. The Instinctive Meditation® approach is designed to allow you to savor, celebrate, and welcome all of life. It is a way of learning and practicing meditation so that it becomes the most natural thing in the world. Come, remember how miraculous life is, and discover a rich, rewarding meditation practice for yourself.

avatar for Coby Kozlowski

Coby Kozlowski

Faculty, Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health
Coby Kozlowski, M.A., senior faculty member for the Kripalu School of Yoga and Esalen Institute, author of One Degree Revolution: How the Wisdom of Yoga Inspires Small Shifts That Lead to Big Changes, has been featured on the cover of Yoga Journal and Mantra Yoga + Health, and was... Read More →

Friday June 28, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am MDT
Wisdom Tent

10:00am MDT

Fly High: Acro Yoga Playtime

Acro yoga utilizes the forms and principles of individual postures while incorporating the presence of another to deepen the impact of the experience. This awakens our human potential through the integration of universal principles such as compassion, trust, balance, and creativity. Acro yoga is the combination of yoga, massage, and acrobatics and fosters community and connection. Basic poses will be introduced and possibly performed at the end of class depending on class comfort, ability, and safety. You don’t need a partner to join. 

avatar for Koya Webb

Koya Webb

Author, Motivational Speaker, Teacher & Founder of Get Loved Up
Koya Webb is an internationally recognized yoga teacher, celebrity holistic health coach, author, speaker, and vegan activist whose core mission is to promote daily self-care, oneness and eco friendly living to combat some of the worlds biggest challenges including mental health... Read More →

Friday June 28, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am MDT
Reflection Plaza

10:00am MDT

Yoga and the Embodiment of Space

The arch-yogi Siva dwells at the mountain summit, steadfast through all space and time. Here in Telluride at an altitude of 9,500 ft, we embody space in our yoga. In practice, we stretch, lift, and turn to find space around the diaphragm, fascia, nerve endings, and spine. We look to cultivate space not only inside the body but space in our lives and in everything we do. How do we develop an aesthetic appreciation for space and learn to not fill it up with our wants and needs? How can we sense that space itself offers a feeling of the sublime? In this class, we generate feelings of spacious delight in both heart and mind through freedom of movement and a free-flowing breath.

avatar for Tias Little

Tias Little

Founder & Owner, Prajna Yoga
Tias Little makes his home under the big skies of Santa Fe New Mexico. He synthesizes more than 30 years of study in classical yoga, Sanskrit, Buddhism, and poetic language into his dynamic, original style of teaching. Tias earned a master’s degree in Eastern philosophy from St... Read More →

Friday June 28, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am MDT
Peaks Ballroom

12:00pm MDT

Empowered Aging REMIX: Virya Vinyasa

Instead of fading into the background of life as we age, we can own our cultivated, earned wisdom and show up stronger than ever. Back again in 2024, this REMIXED, fun, full-spectrum vinyasa practice invites you to embody strength (virya) on the levels of body, mind and spirit and heroically embrace your offerings to the world.

avatar for Gina Caputo

Gina Caputo

Health + Wellness Coach & Yoga Teacher, Gina Caputo Whole Health One Life
Throughout her classes, Gina Caputo’s accessible, down-to-earth approach empowers people to relate to and apply complex Yogic concepts to everyday life. Through her clear and playful style, she encourages you to explore possibilities, transform old beliefs, and embrace Yoga as a... Read More →

Friday June 28, 2024 12:00pm - 1:15pm MDT
Root to Rise Tent at The Gondola Plaza

12:00pm MDT

Shake It Off To Go Your Own Way: Taylor Swift & Fleetwood Mac Mashup Flow

Our healthy connection to our highest self, our higher power and our high-vibing community has a direct relationship to how we move through drama, trauma and emotions. Learn how to Shake it Off, break The Chain and Making Loving Fun with this dynamic, rhythmic, HEROic offering. You can make the connection to your own unique creative force, mental harmony and physical expression while being serenaded by the musical powerhouses of Taylor Swift and Stevie Nicks.

avatar for Nicole Peltier

Nicole Peltier

Instructor/Retreat/Festival, Raven Yoga Nation, Owner
Nicole has a dynamic, shamanic, rocker, prayerful, magical delivery for her passion purpose; yoga. Her classes are an experience few will forget. She has been leading her music-inspired yoga for over 24 years to beginners and seasoned yogis of all ages. No one walks away the same... Read More →

Friday June 28, 2024 12:00pm - 1:15pm MDT
Reflection Plaza
  • Level All Levels
  • What to Expect 100% Asana
  • Music Playing from Playlist
  • What To Bring This is an outdoor venue: bring a hat, shades and sunscreen if it's gloriously sunny, layer if it's chilly! There is a contingency plan if it rains.

1:00pm MDT

Hooping Extravaganza
Re-spark your joy through play by learning how to hula hoop! You’ll be given individualized coaching to increase your skills from the basics so that you can experiment with creative movement that feels good in your body. Hooping gets you out of your head and deeply into your body, where you can tap into an embodied state of being.

Open house style: Drop in and stay as long as you like!

avatar for Dr. Caitlin Hoops

Dr. Caitlin Hoops

Founder, Caitlin Grace Flow
Caitlin is a physician who has a unique passion for hula hooping. Beyond her medical practice and yoga teacher training, she is a flow state hoop dancer and teacher who has shared her joy-filled hooping with hundreds of people. She fell in love with hooping as a path to deeper self-awareness... Read More →

Friday June 28, 2024 1:00pm - 3:00pm MDT
Mountain Cirque at the Sunset Plaza

2:00pm MDT

Flow Into Bliss with MC Yogi

Reconnect to joy in this fun and upbeat yoga class filled with great music, inspiring poetry, and philosophy. You will be encouraged to move mindfully, in a way that brings a feeling of ease, grace, connection, and concentration. The class will culminate with a seated meditation followed by a deeply restful and blissful guided relaxation. All levels.

avatar for MC Yogi

MC Yogi

Artist, MC YOGI
MC YOGI is a recording artist, award-winning author, and yoga teacher. He's taught yoga and performed across the globe including headlining at Wanderlust festivals in over 30 US cities as well as Canada, Mexico, Japan, China, and Korea. His unique style of music and teaching is joy-filled... Read More →

Friday June 28, 2024 2:00pm - 3:15pm MDT
Ananda Tent in the Conference Center Plaza

2:00pm MDT

Yoga-In-Action: The Life Path of Yoga

In this lecture and meditation journey, Tommy Rosen will share insights about the Life Path of Yoga and how we can live it in every moment. Funny, moving and inspiring, this offering will change the way you see yourself in the world and redefine what success is and how to attain it. Along with story and presentation, there will be meditation and Pranayam in this class.

avatar for Tommy Rosen

Tommy Rosen

Founder, Recovery 2.0
Tommy Rosen is an internationally renowned yoga teacher and leading authority on addiction and recovery. He is the founder of the global Recovery 2.0 Community, the Recovery 2.0 online conference series, the 8-Week Awakening program, and is the author of Recovery 2.0: Move Beyond... Read More →

Friday June 28, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm MDT
Wisdom Tent

2:00pm MDT

Meditate & Create inspired by Rick Rubin

Join me for a powerful meditation, workshop, and discussion as we explore essential topics designed to enhance your creative journey. The teachings of Rick Rubin and 'CREATIVITY'  have changed my life forever and it will change yours too, but only if we INTEGRATE and use the tools laid at our feet.

 Monitoring Your Inflow: Delve into the art of monitoring the sources that influence your creativity, gaining insights into how external stimuli shape your ideas and inspirations.

Navigating Fear and Creative Blocks: Address the challenges hindering your creative process, discover techniques to navigate fear, and overcome mental blocks that may impede your artistic expression.

Learning to Have Fun While Bringing Ideas to Reality: Uncover the joy in the creative process by exploring ways to infuse playfulness and enjoyment into the act of transforming your ideas into tangible realities.

Creating Accountability Through Community: Foster a sense of accountability by building connections within a supportive community. Explore how shared experiences and encouragement can empower you to stay committed to your creative goals.

You will not want to miss this immersion and exploration of creativity, where thoughtful discussions flow gracefully with guided meditations and visualization, opening up your creativity portal as far and wide as possible.

avatar for Donny Starkins

Donny Starkins

Teacher/Coach, donnystarkins.com
Donny Starkins is international yoga instructor, mindfulness teacher and life coach from Phoenix, Arizona. As a former Division 1 baseball player, Donny’s yoga journey started in 2005 by searching for pain relief after seven operations on his left knee. Fast forward to today, Donny... Read More →

Friday June 28, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm MDT
Sacred Space & Wellness Haven at the Conference Center

2:00pm MDT

Current of Life

Get your energy rushing like a mountain stream. Full-body dynamic flow (vinyasa) Jivamukti Yoga with some partner work, inversions, and lots of fun. We finish with pranayama and deep relaxation. Join us for this journey of sensitivity and strength, balance and breath, power and stillness. Feel blissfully immersed in your miraculous life!

avatar for Karl Straub

Karl Straub

Founder, Sanctuary Zurich
Karl was born in North Carolina, and he was introduced to meditation around age 10. He became a competitive swimmer, singer, dolphin communication researcher, and graduate of Duke University. He lived 6 years in NYC, taught math and science, and founded one of the world`s first web... Read More →

Friday June 28, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm MDT
Reflection Plaza

2:00pm MDT

The Key to Longevity: You Can Get Up!

Keep your body and your spirit young! People often relate aging with decreased capabilities and dwindling movement choices. We can maintain (and even improve) the quality of our movement through mobility work, core stability, and vibrant movement variability. This class is excellent for anyone who wants to discover creative and functional ways to move on the mat; get ready for fun!

avatar for Lara Heimann

Lara Heimann

Founder, LYT Yoga®
Lara Heimann is an international yoga pioneer and Physical Therapist focused on evolving the practice of yoga to empower movement and balance amidst a modern lifestyle of technology and sedentariness. With an advanced degree in physical therapy and more than 25 years of yoga practice... Read More →

Friday June 28, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm MDT
Root to Rise Tent at The Gondola Plaza

2:00pm MDT

The Spine and the Middle Way

As the world becomes more and more divided, we are called to realize the path of The Middle Way. The Middle Way as taught by the Buddha is a place free from extremes, extremes that polarize, isolate, and cause imbalance.

In practice, we embody these teachings within the central axis of the body. One of the names for the mid-line of the body is the Madhya Nadi or Middle Channel. By moving prana through the “core” structures deep within the spine, we awaken to the Middle Path. Through yoga postures, pranayama, sounding, and visualization we tap into the Middle Channel of the spine. Then, amid a rapidly changing world, we come to realize how the Middle Way is a path to both equanimity and peace.

avatar for Tias Little

Tias Little

Founder & Owner, Prajna Yoga
Tias Little makes his home under the big skies of Santa Fe New Mexico. He synthesizes more than 30 years of study in classical yoga, Sanskrit, Buddhism, and poetic language into his dynamic, original style of teaching. Tias earned a master’s degree in Eastern philosophy from St... Read More →

Friday June 28, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm MDT
Peaks Ballroom
Saturday, June 29

8:00am MDT

The Body Electric

Ground into your physical body, your soul’s vehicle for this lifetime, where all sensation is felt and freedom can be attained. This body is a miracle, trillions of cells powered by consciousness itself. It is a wonderland and we will explore it through vinyasa, kriya, pranayama, mantra, and music. This is your Mind-Body-Spirit wake-up call for 2024.

avatar for Tommy Rosen

Tommy Rosen

Founder, Recovery 2.0
Tommy Rosen is an internationally renowned yoga teacher and leading authority on addiction and recovery. He is the founder of the global Recovery 2.0 Community, the Recovery 2.0 online conference series, the 8-Week Awakening program, and is the author of Recovery 2.0: Move Beyond... Read More →

Saturday June 29, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am MDT
Peaks Ballroom

10:00am MDT

Let’s Go Crazy: Prince Tribute

Gina's annual rock & roll tribute class is a TYF tradition! In this year's celebration, we honor The Purple One himself, Prince! He had an iconic sense of self and embraced his wholeness like no other. And his music reflected the fruits of this potent inner work. These unforgettable tribute practices are an opportunity to meld our energies into creative movement, laughter and connection – COME DRESSED IN PURPLE!!

avatar for Gina Caputo

Gina Caputo

Health + Wellness Coach & Yoga Teacher, Gina Caputo Whole Health One Life
Throughout her classes, Gina Caputo’s accessible, down-to-earth approach empowers people to relate to and apply complex Yogic concepts to everyday life. Through her clear and playful style, she encourages you to explore possibilities, transform old beliefs, and embrace Yoga as a... Read More →

Saturday June 29, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am MDT
Ananda Tent in the Conference Center Plaza

10:00am MDT

Blissed Out: Ecstatic Dance + Meditation

Shake, move, and meditate like never before. Allow your full self to be expressed through this four-part movement and meditation process infused with powerful beats. Dive deep into the multi-dimensional being, open up the energy channels, and release any blockages that keep you feeling stuck. Indulge in this conscious movement and meditation practice and embody bliss.

avatar for Coby Kozlowski

Coby Kozlowski

Faculty, Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health
Coby Kozlowski, M.A., senior faculty member for the Kripalu School of Yoga and Esalen Institute, author of One Degree Revolution: How the Wisdom of Yoga Inspires Small Shifts That Lead to Big Changes, has been featured on the cover of Yoga Journal and Mantra Yoga + Health, and was... Read More →

Saturday June 29, 2024 10:00am - 11:15am MDT
Reflection Plaza
  Self-Care, Ecstatic Dance

10:00am MDT

The Glory of Gooey Fascial Freedom

Fascia is what holds us together and plays a role in transmitting energy throughout the body. While we want to be structurally strong, we also want our quality of movement to be fluid, elastic, and gooey-like yummy! We will explore targeted fascial maneuvers that will leave you feeling elongated, mobile-like molasses, and glorious in your energy.

avatar for Lara Heimann

Lara Heimann

Founder, LYT Yoga®
Lara Heimann is an international yoga pioneer and Physical Therapist focused on evolving the practice of yoga to empower movement and balance amidst a modern lifestyle of technology and sedentariness. With an advanced degree in physical therapy and more than 25 years of yoga practice... Read More →

Saturday June 29, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am MDT
Peaks Ballroom

12:00pm MDT

Art as a Spiritual Path

Expressing ourselves creatively is both relaxing and fun. During this session, Amanda will first share what she learned on her journey of making art as a spiritual practice with her 10,000 Buddhas project. Then you will be guided through a visual meditation to discover your own inspiration and mystical nature. Afterward, we will take time to draw, color, and journal what we experienced. no experience is necessary.

avatar for Amanda Giacomini

Amanda Giacomini

Creator, 10,000 Buddhas
Amanda Giacomini is an artist and yoga teacher who is best known for her 10,000 Buddhas project. Inspired by ancient Buddhist artwork in the Ajanta caves in India, Amanda set out on a mission to paint 10,000 Buddhas. After a decade of painting, 10,000 Buddhas is a worldwide art project... Read More →

Saturday June 29, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm MDT
Wisdom Tent

12:00pm MDT

Above the Influence

Break free of conditioned behavior and old patterns. All negative habits are patterns, which have been written into the mind/body system.  In order to create new habits, one must practice evolutionary right action, also known as Kriya.  In this class we will practice Kriya and Pranayama designed to propel you up and out of old patterns. All Levels Welcome.

avatar for Tommy Rosen

Tommy Rosen

Founder, Recovery 2.0
Tommy Rosen is an internationally renowned yoga teacher and leading authority on addiction and recovery. He is the founder of the global Recovery 2.0 Community, the Recovery 2.0 online conference series, the 8-Week Awakening program, and is the author of Recovery 2.0: Move Beyond... Read More →

Saturday June 29, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm MDT
Root to Rise Tent at The Gondola Plaza

12:00pm MDT

Heavenly Yin

A series of heart-based poses & pranayama for the heart and lungs will enhance vitality and increase the overall circulation of Qi, like a needle-less acupuncture treatment.  The sequence, said to bring heavenly Qi down into the body, will prepare us for a guided compassion meditation, foundational to Buddhist methods for awakening through the heartmind.

avatar for Kali Basman

Kali Basman

Founder, Kali Durga Yoga
Internationally celebrated Yin & Dharma teacher of teachers, Kali Basman, intermingles Buddhist Psychology & Internal Family Systems Therapy into the living discipline of Yin Yoga.Kali's offerings blend the outer constructs of anatomy & Traditional Chinese Medicine meridians with... Read More →

Saturday June 29, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm MDT
Reflection Plaza

1:00pm MDT

Hooping Extravaganza
Re-spark your joy through play by learning how to hula hoop! You’ll be given individualized coaching to increase your skills from the basics so that you can experiment with creative movement that feels good in your body. Hooping gets you out of your head and deeply into your body, where you can tap into an embodied state of being.

Open house style: Drop in and stay as long as you like!

avatar for Dr. Caitlin Hoops

Dr. Caitlin Hoops

Founder, Caitlin Grace Flow
Caitlin is a physician who has a unique passion for hula hooping. Beyond her medical practice and yoga teacher training, she is a flow state hoop dancer and teacher who has shared her joy-filled hooping with hundreds of people. She fell in love with hooping as a path to deeper self-awareness... Read More →

Saturday June 29, 2024 1:00pm - 3:00pm MDT
Mountain Cirque at the Sunset Plaza

2:00pm MDT

Simple Is The New Advanced: Vinyasa For The Mindful

The complexity of many creative Vinyasa classes may make it difficult to experience the deeper dimensions of the practice and can shift us into “keep up” mode. In this practice, we align with the original intelligence of Vinyasa – to place in an intentional way. We’ll move in a way that cultivates sharper inner focus, patience, and a broader and deeper sense of purpose. Without forsaking the feeling of flow nor the challenge of growth, we’ll explore how less really can be more.

avatar for Gina Caputo

Gina Caputo

Health + Wellness Coach & Yoga Teacher, Gina Caputo Whole Health One Life
Throughout her classes, Gina Caputo’s accessible, down-to-earth approach empowers people to relate to and apply complex Yogic concepts to everyday life. Through her clear and playful style, she encourages you to explore possibilities, transform old beliefs, and embrace Yoga as a... Read More →

Saturday June 29, 2024 2:00pm - 3:15pm MDT
Root to Rise Tent at The Gondola Plaza

2:00pm MDT

Riding the Edge of Change

In movement practice, we are always exploring the edge of change and transformation. In this practice, we touch into every stretch, every sensation, and inner perception as a new edge, not to be conquered and overcome, but to be discovered and embodied. In this way, we allow a new shape, a new way of being in the world to manifest, something startling, unique, and fresh. In this practice, we do hip openers and spinal release work, to stay on the cusp of continuous change.

avatar for Tias Little

Tias Little

Founder & Owner, Prajna Yoga
Tias Little makes his home under the big skies of Santa Fe New Mexico. He synthesizes more than 30 years of study in classical yoga, Sanskrit, Buddhism, and poetic language into his dynamic, original style of teaching. Tias earned a master’s degree in Eastern philosophy from St... Read More →

Saturday June 29, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm MDT
Peaks Ballroom

4:00pm MDT

Lineage of Light: Embracing Ancestral Power through Breath and Meditation

This transformative workshop led by Faith Hunter invites you to connect with the enduring wisdom of your forebears. This session is a confluence of Faith's Spiritually Fly philosophy and ancestral veneration, designed to heal and infuse your soul with the strength of past generations. As you embark on this journey, Faith will guide you through powerful breathwork techniques, encouraging the flow of healing energy. With a journal in hand, you will explore the depths of your lineage, documenting insights and revelations and engaging in meditative practices that bring forth clarity and empowerment. The workshop is a blend of dynamic breathing practices, mindful intentions, and powerful energy shifts, meticulously aligned to stimulate and strengthen your chakras. Each aspect of the practice—from grounded awareness to breath connection that encourages ignites personal power, and fosters love and truth—aims to foster a deep connection with your inner self and the ancestral power that supports you. This holistic experience is more than a meditative breath experience; it's a ritual of emotional and spiritual awakening, inviting you to embrace your greatness and step into a life of balance and enlightenment.

avatar for Faith Hunter

Faith Hunter

Founder/Author/Speaker, Spiritually Fly™
Faith Hunter is an esteemed global yoga and meditation instructor, wellness philanthropist, movement motivator, healing guide, and passionate music enthusiast. She is the creator of the Spiritually Fly™ philosophy, a life approach designed to awaken the inner brilliance of the soul... Read More →

Saturday June 29, 2024 4:00pm - 5:15pm MDT
Wisdom Tent

7:30pm MDT

Sunset Yoga on Top of the World

Amazing views and fresh mountain air amplify this nature-inspired practice featuring creative interpretations of standing asanas (suited to the outdoor setting) combined with dynamic group interactive movements. Bring an extra layer to be ready in case of wind or mosquitos. Unique outdoor location: from Top of Gondola walk (directly opposite Allred's) 5 min. up the trail to San Sophia Overlook.

avatar for Karl Straub

Karl Straub

Founder, Sanctuary Zurich
Karl was born in North Carolina, and he was introduced to meditation around age 10. He became a competitive swimmer, singer, dolphin communication researcher, and graduate of Duke University. He lived 6 years in NYC, taught math and science, and founded one of the world`s first web... Read More →

Saturday June 29, 2024 7:30pm - 8:30pm MDT
San Sophia Overlook - Sunset Stage
Sunday, June 30

8:00am MDT

Sunday Yoga to Serve Your Soul

Yoga church is in session! This is your Sunday mindfulness, movement, and message that will free your mind and serve your soul. Join Donny for his annual Sunday Service-inspired yoga flow that is the PERFECT way to start your final day at the festival.
We will begin class with a grounding meditation and continue into a Vinyasa Flow with the intention of "Service" and taking your yoga off of the mat and sharing it with the world. It's the yoga on the mat and off that serves our soul and sets us free. With each movement we will cultivate a sense of selflessness and compassion, knowing that the practice of yoga extends far beyond the boundaries of our mats.

This balanced, grounded, and heart-opening practice will remind you why we practice yoga, leaving you feeling inspired to step up, show up, and be of service to a world that needs your light. Together, let us embrace the true essence of yoga – union, connection, and service to all beings.

avatar for Donny Starkins

Donny Starkins

Teacher/Coach, donnystarkins.com
Donny Starkins is international yoga instructor, mindfulness teacher and life coach from Phoenix, Arizona. As a former Division 1 baseball player, Donny’s yoga journey started in 2005 by searching for pain relief after seven operations on his left knee. Fast forward to today, Donny... Read More →

Sunday June 30, 2024 8:00am - 9:15am MDT
Ananda Tent in the Conference Center Plaza

8:00am MDT

Time to Fly: Find Your LIFT!

Take your practice to new heights by accessing the anatomy that can give you some LIFT. Learn more about the Levator ani, Ischial tuberosities, Floor of the pelvis, and Transverse abdominis and how to use them to elevate your practice and feel lighter in your movement on and off the mat!

avatar for Lara Heimann

Lara Heimann

Founder, LYT Yoga®
Lara Heimann is an international yoga pioneer and Physical Therapist focused on evolving the practice of yoga to empower movement and balance amidst a modern lifestyle of technology and sedentariness. With an advanced degree in physical therapy and more than 25 years of yoga practice... Read More →

Sunday June 30, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am MDT
Peaks Ballroom

10:00am MDT

The Return to You: Meditation & Journaling Practice

For the final day of the festival, start your day with this immersive experience crafted to complement the soul-enriching affirmations and journal prompts found within the pages of Faith Hunter's new journal "The Return to You." In this session, you will engage with mindful reflections that encourage self-discovery and affirmations that foster a deep-seated love for oneself. The workshop is a sanctuary where mindfulness meets self-compassion. Faith’s guidance helps you unlock your emotions, challenge limiting beliefs, and embrace the fullness of your being. You'll cultivate inner peace through intentional breathing practices and meditation, setting the tone for introspective journaling sessions where your thoughts and affirmations take flight. This workshop is not just a class; it's a transformative process that gifts you the clarity and courage to return to your truest self. Join us to honor your path, illuminate your spirit, and write the story of your heart's revival.

avatar for Faith Hunter

Faith Hunter

Founder/Author/Speaker, Spiritually Fly™
Faith Hunter is an esteemed global yoga and meditation instructor, wellness philanthropist, movement motivator, healing guide, and passionate music enthusiast. She is the creator of the Spiritually Fly™ philosophy, a life approach designed to awaken the inner brilliance of the soul... Read More →

Sunday June 30, 2024 10:00am - 11:15am MDT
Sacred Space & Wellness Haven at the Conference Center

10:00am MDT

Root. Connect. Activate.

Join Dasa Das as we set our minds and hearts to the practice of rooting, connecting, and activating the body’s energy. We will activate and harness the body's energy through the center of all centers and fire up our core through activating kriya using breath-of-fire and active movement of the body through the breath.  All are welcome in this all levels class which incorporates a combination of asana, kriya (specific sequences), and breath.  

avatar for Dasa Das

Dasa Das

Founder, AAums Yoga Adventure
Dasa Das is an experienced yoga teacher known for his unique teaching style and deep spiritual connection with students. He founded AAUM Yoga Adventure, offering a holistic approach to yoga, travel, and self-discovery. With a passion for life and service, he blends teachings from... Read More →

Sunday June 30, 2024 10:00am - 11:15am MDT
Reflection Plaza

10:00am MDT

All Rise: All Faiths, All Prayers, All Beings, All Love

Devotion is love in action so let us move in the name of Love. With all the many names of the Divine we honor, revere, worship and praise. No belief or faith of any kind required to attend this ceremonial yoga service. Expect to glide in and out of shapes with gospel, mantra and Christian Rock tunes. Wear your white-ish yoga gear like you are headed to church (optional).

avatar for Nicole Peltier

Nicole Peltier

Instructor/Retreat/Festival, Raven Yoga Nation, Owner
Nicole has a dynamic, shamanic, rocker, prayerful, magical delivery for her passion purpose; yoga. Her classes are an experience few will forget. She has been leading her music-inspired yoga for over 24 years to beginners and seasoned yogis of all ages. No one walks away the same... Read More →

Sunday June 30, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am MDT
Ananda Tent in the Conference Center Plaza

10:00am MDT

Kripalu Vinyasa: Breathe, Feel, Flow

Join Coby Kozlowski, creator of Kripalu Vinyasa, in this heartfelt and compassionate meditation in motion (with no chaturanga). This slow flowing class is infused with intention, breath awareness, and creative sequencing that honors the intelligence of consciousness. Kripalu Vinyasa offers the opportunity for you to listen and respond to your body’s inherent wisdom with kindness and curiosity.  A perfect way to close your weekend!

avatar for Coby Kozlowski

Coby Kozlowski

Faculty, Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health
Coby Kozlowski, M.A., senior faculty member for the Kripalu School of Yoga and Esalen Institute, author of One Degree Revolution: How the Wisdom of Yoga Inspires Small Shifts That Lead to Big Changes, has been featured on the cover of Yoga Journal and Mantra Yoga + Health, and was... Read More →

Sunday June 30, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am MDT
Root to Rise Tent at The Gondola Plaza

10:00am MDT

The Tao of Yoga

In the high country of Colorado, the vitality of nature is everywhere evident. In the Far East, the force behind all nature is known as the Tao. The Tao is said to be always changing and like moving water, flows naturally and  spontaneously. In this class we yoke to the vital Tao by honing the prana or chi. Like water flowing through the ravines, creeks and valleys of Telluride, we enhance the pathway of blood, lymph and nerve through stretching and flowing movements. Using arcs, curves, spirals and elliptical movements, we express the force, dynamism, and intelligence of water. In this class, Tias weaves in verses from the Tao te Ching in order to embody the poetry, wisdom,  and spiritual guidance that the Taoist teachings provide.

avatar for Tias Little

Tias Little

Founder & Owner, Prajna Yoga
Tias Little makes his home under the big skies of Santa Fe New Mexico. He synthesizes more than 30 years of study in classical yoga, Sanskrit, Buddhism, and poetic language into his dynamic, original style of teaching. Tias earned a master’s degree in Eastern philosophy from St... Read More →

Sunday June 30, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am MDT
Peaks Ballroom

12:00pm MDT

Inner Journey: Relax. Restore. Renew.

You worked hard all weekend, now it`s time to relax with delightful restorative poses, pranayama, and guided deep relaxation. A treat for body, mind, and heart. A little chanting too. Karl will give a demonstration of overtone chant. Arise feeling balanced, refreshed, and in tune with your divinely inspired life.

avatar for Karl Straub

Karl Straub

Founder, Sanctuary Zurich
Karl was born in North Carolina, and he was introduced to meditation around age 10. He became a competitive swimmer, singer, dolphin communication researcher, and graduate of Duke University. He lived 6 years in NYC, taught math and science, and founded one of the world`s first web... Read More →

Sunday June 30, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm MDT
Reflection Plaza

2:00pm MDT

Tea and Tarot

The Tea Ceremony is a perfect elemental art. Silently, we drink tea from ancient trees grown in reverence. In this special space, we give the water, fire, and tea leaves a chance to communicate with us in their subtle and silent tongue. Old-growth trees have been taking in sunlight, rainwater, and starlight for hundreds of years. Drinking tea from their leaves in a ceremonial space allows us access to parts of our hearts that we usually cannot reach.

This practice pairs perfectly with tarot. After the tea ceremony (three bowls of tea in silence), we draw cards for the entire group and then for the individuals present who want personal readings.

Tarot card reading is like looking at oneself through the clarifying reflection of an intuitive friend. In these sessions, you are invited to participate as Jade interprets the tarot cards you draw from their deck. Tarot is not about reading the future or divining destiny. The cards are a set of elemental archetypes so ancient and true that we find ourselves magnetized to those that speak to our present situation.

You will leave this session feeling honored and held in reverence. A practice of tea ceremony and tarot can allow you to feel reconnected to your intuition. The elemental realm is already working on your behalf to create what your higher self desires. When we listen to the heart’s wisdom, we open to following the watercourse way toward what is in our highest potential.

avatar for Jade Rose

Jade Rose

Founder, Sanctuary Collective
Jade has been a student of tarot for over twenty years and is the author of three books about tarot. Additionally, Jade has taught meditation since she was eighteen but has found that tea ceremonies to be one of the most profound and yet easy-to-enter methods of meditation. The tea... Read More →

Sunday June 30, 2024 2:00pm - 3:15pm MDT
Sacred Space & Wellness Haven at the Conference Center

2:00pm MDT

Fountain of Youth: Join Kali for a Longevity Practice for the Radiant, Ephemeral Body

Long-held floor poses encourage and enhance the Qi or energy distribution through the bones and connective tissues that bind them. These mainly static postures coax Qi into the respective Meridians (the unseen riverbeds of energy the Qi travels through).  This style of yin yoga nourishes the natural range of motion of the joints, increases the resilience and elasticity of our fascia, and slows the impact of aging.

avatar for Kali Basman

Kali Basman

Founder, Kali Durga Yoga
Internationally celebrated Yin & Dharma teacher of teachers, Kali Basman, intermingles Buddhist Psychology & Internal Family Systems Therapy into the living discipline of Yin Yoga.Kali's offerings blend the outer constructs of anatomy & Traditional Chinese Medicine meridians with... Read More →

Sunday June 30, 2024 2:00pm - 3:15pm MDT
Wisdom Tent

2:00pm MDT

Jivamukti Yoga: A Full Spectrum Class

Jivamukti Yoga is a path to enlightenment through compassion for all beings. Known for her energetic and elevated style, Hollie Sue will guide you through a Jivamukti practice that includes a dharma talk, chanting, rigorous asana, meditation, and relaxation. Expect juicy hands-on assists, a killer playlist, and a lot of fun.

avatar for Hollie Sue Mann

Hollie Sue Mann

Hollie Sue Mann
Hollie Sue Mann is part of the Telluride Yoga Family, having co-owned and taught at the Telluride Yoga Center for the last 4 years. Locals and far-flung fans look forward to practicing with her at the Festival each year, as she brings an electrifying energy to each class she teaches... Read More →

Sunday June 30, 2024 2:00pm - 3:15pm MDT
Ananda Tent in the Conference Center Plaza

2:00pm MDT

Flow State Hooping

Learn how to access flow state through hula hooping. We’ll start with the basics and work our way up to allowing creative, flowing movement in the moment.  You’ll be guided out of your head and into your body where you’ll access deeper authenticity and self-expression as you hoop in ways that feel good to your body, mind, and soul.

avatar for Dr. Caitlin Hoops

Dr. Caitlin Hoops

Founder, Caitlin Grace Flow
Caitlin is a physician who has a unique passion for hula hooping. Beyond her medical practice and yoga teacher training, she is a flow state hoop dancer and teacher who has shared her joy-filled hooping with hundreds of people. She fell in love with hooping as a path to deeper self-awareness... Read More →

Sunday June 30, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm MDT
Reflection Plaza
  Meditation & Breathwork

7:30pm MDT

Sunset Yoga to Close the Weekend: Bhakti Flow

A favorite of Telluride Yoga Festivarians, join Hollie Sue for this special sunset class at San Sophia. Set against the backdrop of one of the most beautiful mountain ranges in the world, this class is the perfect way to wind down your day of yoga. With a clear intention, evening chanting, an invigorating and cleansing asana, and meditation, this is a time to gather with old and new friends. Hollie Sue will bring her signature blend of music, meditation, and moksha to this special class. All are welcome. You won't want to miss it. (Students should dress warmly, and come prepared for anything.)

avatar for Hollie Sue Mann

Hollie Sue Mann

Hollie Sue Mann
Hollie Sue Mann is part of the Telluride Yoga Family, having co-owned and taught at the Telluride Yoga Center for the last 4 years. Locals and far-flung fans look forward to practicing with her at the Festival each year, as she brings an electrifying energy to each class she teaches... Read More →

Sunday June 30, 2024 7:30pm - 8:30pm MDT
San Sophia Overlook - Sunset Stage

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  • Level
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  • Intermediate/Advanced
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  • Moderate/Strenuous
  • Style
  • Acro Yoga
  • Aerial Yoga/Hatha Informed
  • Ati Yoga
  • Bhakti
  • Daoism
  • Hatha / Iyengar
  • Instinctive Meditation
  • Integrated Vinyasa
  • Jivamukti Yoga
  • Kaiut Yoga
  • Kripalu Yoga
  • Kriya Yoga
  • Kundalini
  • LYT Yoga
  • Radiant Body Yoga
  • Sattva Yoga
  • Vinyasa
  • Vinyasa & Kundalini
  • Well-balanced blend of Iyengar Yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
  • Yin Yoga
  • Yin/Yang
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Zen Buddhism
  • What to Expect
  • & Dance
  • & Joy
  • 100% Asana
  • 100% Chanting & Meditation
  • 100% Lecture
  • 100% Meditation & Pranayama
  • 100% Movement
  • 100% Panel Talk
  • 100% Sound Healing
  • 30% Breathwork |30% Asana | 30% Dance |10% Meditation
  • 35% Asana | 35% Breathwork | 20% Yoga Nidra | 10% Discussion
  • 40% Discussion | 30% Meditation | 30% Journaling/Reflection
  • 50% Breathwork |30% Meditation | 10% Discussion |10% Journaling
  • 50% Meditation | 25% Journaling | 15% Breathwork | 10% Discussion
  • 50% Singing/Chanting | 50% Discussion/Pranayama
  • 50% Talk | 25% Meditation | 25% Drawing
  • 50% Yin | 50% Storytime
  • 60% Discussion | 25% asana |15% Meditation/Pranayama
  • 60% Meditation | 40% Discussion
  • 70% Asana & Breathwork | 30% Discussion
  • 70% Asana | 30% Meditation/Pranayama
  • 70% Chanting | 30% Discussion & Q&A
  • 70% Movement | 30% Breath & Meditation
  • 75% asana; 15% mantra
  • 80% Asana | 10% Discussion | 10% Meditation
  • 80% Asana | 15% Discussion | 5% Paddle
  • 80% Asana | 20 % Discussion
  • 80% Asana | 20% Discussion
  • 80% Asana | 20% Mantra
  • 80% Asana | 20% Mantra/Pranayama/Meditation
  • 80% Asana | 20% Pranayama/Meditation
  • 80% Asana | 20% Talk
  • 80% Discussion | 20% Body Reading
  • 80% Discussion | 20% Recipes
  • 80% Hula Hooping | 20% Discussion
  • 80% Restorative Asana | 20% Pranayama/Meditation
  • 80% Sound Journey | 20% Discussion
  • 85% Asana | 15% Meditation
  • 85% Asana | 5% Meditation | 5% Chanting | 5% Discussion
  • 85% Movement |15% Storytelling
  • 90% Asana
  • 90% Asana | 10% Discussion
  • 90% Asana |10% Discussion
  • 90% Asana |10% Meditation
  • 95% Asana | 5% Discussion
  • 95% Asana | 5% Meditation
  • Breath & Meditation
  • Dance
  • Deep Savasana
  • Lecture |Breathwork |Meditation
  • Mantra & Story
  • Meditation
  • meditation; 10% dance party (probably)
  • Must be OK with exposure and heights
  • Open house style - drop in and stay as long as you like
  • Music
  • DJ'd Class
  • Live Music
  • Playing from Playlist
  • Singing/Chanting/Harmonium
  • Sound Off Experience
  • This session will not have music