Attending this event?
You belong here!  The Telluride Yoga Festival is a four-day yoga and wellness gathering that manages to be both intimate and world-class.  This inspirational festival offers yoga, meditation, hiking, music, wellness workshops, outdoor adventures, and more. The 15th annual event will be an unforgettable weekend of connection and inspiration from its new campus in Mountain Village.  Find Yourself in Telluride June 27-30, 2024.
Sacred Space & Wellness Haven at the Conference Center [clear filter]
Friday, June 28

8:00am MDT

Awaken Joy & Unlock Fearlessness: Festival Kickoff!

Our inner space is a living reality, made up of fire, air, earth, and water (the tattvas). Each element defines our life challenges and at the same time gives us the power to meet them. When imbalanced we struggle. When in balance our joy is unstoppable. Join Kia to understand the significance of balancing the elements within yoga, and a curated experience of vinyasa, kriya, breathwork, and mantra designed to bring your elemental body into a coherent state. This is where pure joy exists.  Kia will also touch upon the timeless teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, which offers insights into life's challenges with courage and clarity to rise above the limitations of our ego-driven minds and align ourselves with the higher purpose for our existence. A perfect way to start your weekend.  

avatar for Jaya Lakshmi

Jaya Lakshmi

Musician, Producer, Teacher, Jaya Lakshmi Music
Jaya Lakshmi began leading kirtan and writing devotional songs on the guitar, harmonium, and piano in the early 1990s shortly after receiving initiation from Srila Govinda Maharaj, a spiritual teacher of bhakti (devotion) from West Bengal, India.As a singer/songwriter, she is known... Read More →
avatar for Kia Miller

Kia Miller

Founder, Radiant Body Yoga
Kia Miller is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher. She is the founder of Radiant Body Yoga, a holistic approach that honors the healing and transformational potential within yoga. She is known for sharing her wonderful passion for life and well-being in her teaching. Kia views... Read More →

Friday June 28, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am MDT
Sacred Space & Wellness Haven at the Conference Center

10:00am MDT

Nervous System Attunement

In today’s world, we experience overwhelm, stress depression, and addiction more than ever before. To heal, rejuvenate, and renew ourselves, we must learn how to shift into our parasympathetic nervous system.
In this class, we will cultivate profound relaxation through Movement, Breath, Mantra, and Music!
We will connect with the present moment and release all that is unnecessary.  Come and Relax!

avatar for Tommy Rosen

Tommy Rosen

Founder, Recovery 2.0
Tommy Rosen is an internationally renowned yoga teacher and leading authority on addiction and recovery. He is the founder of the global Recovery 2.0 Community, the Recovery 2.0 online conference series, the 8-Week Awakening program, and is the author of Recovery 2.0: Move Beyond... Read More →

Friday June 28, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am MDT
Sacred Space & Wellness Haven at the Conference Center

12:00pm MDT

Illuminate Your Potential

The Yogic Sages called upon each of us to ignite our full potential and left us with techniques to do just that! Join Kia for an expansive yoga practice designed to awaken and stabilize your energy, fostering greater power, confidence, and creative connection. Class includes a warming vinyasa flow, pranic building kriya, and deep meditation. Don't miss this opportunity to awaken insight and inner vision.

avatar for Jaya Lakshmi

Jaya Lakshmi

Musician, Producer, Teacher, Jaya Lakshmi Music
Jaya Lakshmi began leading kirtan and writing devotional songs on the guitar, harmonium, and piano in the early 1990s shortly after receiving initiation from Srila Govinda Maharaj, a spiritual teacher of bhakti (devotion) from West Bengal, India.As a singer/songwriter, she is known... Read More →
avatar for Kia Miller

Kia Miller

Founder, Radiant Body Yoga
Kia Miller is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher. She is the founder of Radiant Body Yoga, a holistic approach that honors the healing and transformational potential within yoga. She is known for sharing her wonderful passion for life and well-being in her teaching. Kia views... Read More →

Friday June 28, 2024 12:00pm - 1:15pm MDT
Sacred Space & Wellness Haven at the Conference Center

2:00pm MDT

Meditate & Create inspired by Rick Rubin

Join me for a powerful meditation, workshop, and discussion as we explore essential topics designed to enhance your creative journey. The teachings of Rick Rubin and 'CREATIVITY'  have changed my life forever and it will change yours too, but only if we INTEGRATE and use the tools laid at our feet.

 Monitoring Your Inflow: Delve into the art of monitoring the sources that influence your creativity, gaining insights into how external stimuli shape your ideas and inspirations.

Navigating Fear and Creative Blocks: Address the challenges hindering your creative process, discover techniques to navigate fear, and overcome mental blocks that may impede your artistic expression.

Learning to Have Fun While Bringing Ideas to Reality: Uncover the joy in the creative process by exploring ways to infuse playfulness and enjoyment into the act of transforming your ideas into tangible realities.

Creating Accountability Through Community: Foster a sense of accountability by building connections within a supportive community. Explore how shared experiences and encouragement can empower you to stay committed to your creative goals.

You will not want to miss this immersion and exploration of creativity, where thoughtful discussions flow gracefully with guided meditations and visualization, opening up your creativity portal as far and wide as possible.

avatar for Donny Starkins

Donny Starkins

Teacher/Coach, donnystarkins.com
Donny Starkins is international yoga instructor, mindfulness teacher and life coach from Phoenix, Arizona. As a former Division 1 baseball player, Donny’s yoga journey started in 2005 by searching for pain relief after seven operations on his left knee. Fast forward to today, Donny... Read More →

Friday June 28, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm MDT
Sacred Space & Wellness Haven at the Conference Center

4:00pm MDT

The Regenerative Revolution: Balancing Body, Mind, and Soil

In yoga, we commit to conserving the precious prana (vital air) we are given. The life force of the body, however, is inseparable from the life force of the planet. This lecture and meditation explores how the ecosystem of the subtle body —the breath, bloodstream and thought waves-- is interdependent with all of nature.  We will discuss what regenerative agriculture is and how can we apply its principles to our bodies, minds, and farms to promote restorative ecologically conscious systems. This discussion digs deep into the idea of building healthy soils and biosequestration through practices and design, and the importance of regenerative agricultural methods to mitigate climate change. These panelists explore how it is essential to also work with the practices of yoga, meditation, and mindfulness before, during, and after operations to fully integrate the regenerative lifestyle for the health, and wellbeing of people, plants, and the planet.

avatar for Rachael Carlevale

Rachael Carlevale

Founder | Instructor, Ganjasana
Rachael Carlevale speaks on behalf of the natural world regenerating body, mind, and soil for the collective. Honoring plant spirit medicine as the founder of Ganjasana: Cannabis Yoga Ceremonies and Yoga Alliance Registered School, Rachael is an educator, activist, and regenerative... Read More →
avatar for Elise Museles

Elise Museles

Author, Food Story: Rewrite the Way You Eat, Think, and Live.
Elise Museles is a certified eating psychology and nutrition expert, creator of the Food Story Method and platform, and host of the popular podcast Once Upon a Food Story. As an author, speaker, and mind-body eating coach, Elise’s mission is to empower people to create a healthier... Read More →
avatar for Tias Little

Tias Little

Founder & Owner, Prajna Yoga
Tias Little makes his home under the big skies of Santa Fe New Mexico. He synthesizes more than 30 years of study in classical yoga, Sanskrit, Buddhism, and poetic language into his dynamic, original style of teaching. Tias earned a master’s degree in Eastern philosophy from St... Read More →
avatar for Amy Ippoliti

Amy Ippoliti

Founder, Yoga Educator, Amy Ippoliti Yoga, Vessilify
Amy Ippoliti is known for bringing yoga to modern-day life in a genuine way through her intelligent sequencing, clear instruction, and engaging sense of humor. She shares her passion for yoga, health, soil advocacy, marine conservation, and regenerative practices through her teachings... Read More →

Friday June 28, 2024 4:00pm - 5:15pm MDT
Sacred Space & Wellness Haven at the Conference Center
  Free Community Event
Saturday, June 29

8:00am MDT

A Badass is a Good Thing: Hips and Lower Back

It takes guts and glutes to be strong and free. If you suffer from chronic hip pain, it could be that you need more strengthening as well as stretching. We can only grow stronger and more open relative to how stable we are inside. Learn how you can use your yoga practice to build some support for your backside.

avatar for Desiree Rumbaugh

Desiree Rumbaugh

Founder, Yoga by Desiree
Desiree Rumbaugh is an internationally recognized yoga teacher with unquenchable enthusiasm for life, love and healing. She blends playful humor with an authentic inquiry into the nature of being to bring the ancient teachings of wisdom into the asana practice and then into modern... Read More →

Saturday June 29, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am MDT
Sacred Space & Wellness Haven at the Conference Center

10:00am MDT

Inner Alchemy: Freeing Your Emotional Body

Experience the liberating power of releasing your emotional body with asana, kriya and breathwork. This transformative class invites you to reconnect with the flowing expression of your soul and intuitive mind. Through dynamic kundalini kriya movements, you'll rhythmically release stagnant energy, creating space for profound inner peace and heightened awareness. Dive into deep states of tranquility between poses and tap into elevated consciousness, gaining insight into your higher nature.

avatar for Jaya Lakshmi

Jaya Lakshmi

Musician, Producer, Teacher, Jaya Lakshmi Music
Jaya Lakshmi began leading kirtan and writing devotional songs on the guitar, harmonium, and piano in the early 1990s shortly after receiving initiation from Srila Govinda Maharaj, a spiritual teacher of bhakti (devotion) from West Bengal, India.As a singer/songwriter, she is known... Read More →
avatar for Kia Miller

Kia Miller

Founder, Radiant Body Yoga
Kia Miller is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher. She is the founder of Radiant Body Yoga, a holistic approach that honors the healing and transformational potential within yoga. She is known for sharing her wonderful passion for life and well-being in her teaching. Kia views... Read More →

Saturday June 29, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am MDT
Sacred Space & Wellness Haven at the Conference Center

12:00pm MDT

Sacred Heart: Cacao Ceremony and Sound Healing

This sacred cacao ceremony opens the pathways (nadis) to the heart chakra so that we can clean and clear out negative feelings and experiences that are blocking our path forward into harmony and balance.  A fully expansive sound healing with Crystal Singing Bowls and Gong will accompany this truly auspicious offering.

avatar for Steven Veillette

Steven Veillette

Founder, Alchemedic Sonic Tree
Steven Veillette is a dedicated yogi and sound healer who loves to facilitate transformation in others while helping them relax and find relief from everyday stress. Steven has been working with sound therapeutically for decades. His sound healing experience started with the path... Read More →

Saturday June 29, 2024 12:00pm - 1:15pm MDT
Sacred Space & Wellness Haven at the Conference Center
  Sound Healing, Cacao Ceremony
  • Level All Levels
  • Music Live Music
  • Production Notes needs a table, tablecloth, 4 serving trays, 4 volunteeers. Steven will make arrangements for cacao and cups. 1 headset mic 1 instrumental mic 1 mic stand

2:00pm MDT

Zen Flow: Find Your Inner Peace

Take time to relax, refresh, and renew. If you're overwhelmed with a busy mind, Yin can help to soothe your thoughts, encourage inward focus, and allow your body to experience deep relaxation. A perfect complement to Vinyasa, essentially the "yin" to your "yang". Yin Yoga uses long, passive holds to target and heal the connective tissues, such as ligaments, bones, joints, and fascia. The holds can be challenging, and the benefits are amazing - regulated energy, lower stress, deeper relaxation, improved health... A delicious treat essential for all levels! No experience necessary.

avatar for Jaya Lakshmi

Jaya Lakshmi

Musician, Producer, Teacher, Jaya Lakshmi Music
Jaya Lakshmi began leading kirtan and writing devotional songs on the guitar, harmonium, and piano in the early 1990s shortly after receiving initiation from Srila Govinda Maharaj, a spiritual teacher of bhakti (devotion) from West Bengal, India.As a singer/songwriter, she is known... Read More →
avatar for Koya Webb

Koya Webb

Author, Motivational Speaker, Teacher & Founder of Get Loved Up
Koya Webb is an internationally recognized yoga teacher, celebrity holistic health coach, author, speaker, and vegan activist whose core mission is to promote daily self-care, oneness and eco friendly living to combat some of the worlds biggest challenges including mental health... Read More →

Saturday June 29, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm MDT
Sacred Space & Wellness Haven at the Conference Center

4:00pm MDT

Soul to Soul: A Silent Disco Party

Turn down the noise and tune into your inner rhythm. Through this sensory adventure, we’ll flow through asana, mantra, beats, and a soul flow experience.

We’ll wring out all that clutters our inner connectedness and awaken to our true nature and move, breathe, sing, and dance our way back to ourselves.

avatar for DJ Taz Rashid

DJ Taz Rashid

Musician/Producer/DJ, Soul Groove Wellness
DJ Taz Rashid brings a high vibrational energy to any room instantly by mixing the beats and rhythms of Love, Ancient New World, House, Devotional, and all the cosmic sounds. He is known for his unique style of blending electronic dance music with yoga and meditation, which has made... Read More →
avatar for Janet Stone

Janet Stone

Founder, Janet Stone Yoga
Janet’s yoga journey began at 17 under Maharaji, her meditation teacher, whose reverence for simplicity and joy live on in her practice and teachings to this day. She shares from the depth of her own sadhana (sustained practice), her studentship in the eight-limbed path, her creative... Read More →

Saturday June 29, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm MDT
Sacred Space & Wellness Haven at the Conference Center
  Yoga, Silent Disco/Sound-Off Experience
Sunday, June 30

8:00am MDT

Soul Flow: Nourish An Active Body & Mind - A Sound-off Experience!

As yogis our field of study is ourselves, from skin to soul. This slow-flow + Yin practice is an embodied journey that engages our tissues, our breath and our vital life force to re-activate an awareness of our wholeness and our true nature.

avatar for DJ Taz Rashid

DJ Taz Rashid

Musician/Producer/DJ, Soul Groove Wellness
DJ Taz Rashid brings a high vibrational energy to any room instantly by mixing the beats and rhythms of Love, Ancient New World, House, Devotional, and all the cosmic sounds. He is known for his unique style of blending electronic dance music with yoga and meditation, which has made... Read More →
avatar for Gina Caputo

Gina Caputo

Health + Wellness Coach & Yoga Teacher, Gina Caputo Whole Health One Life
Throughout her classes, Gina Caputo’s accessible, down-to-earth approach empowers people to relate to and apply complex Yogic concepts to everyday life. Through her clear and playful style, she encourages you to explore possibilities, transform old beliefs, and embrace Yoga as a... Read More →

Sunday June 30, 2024 8:00am - 9:15am MDT
Sacred Space & Wellness Haven at the Conference Center
  Yoga, Silent Disco/Sound-Off Experience

10:00am MDT

The Return to You: Meditation & Journaling Practice

For the final day of the festival, start your day with this immersive experience crafted to complement the soul-enriching affirmations and journal prompts found within the pages of Faith Hunter's new journal "The Return to You." In this session, you will engage with mindful reflections that encourage self-discovery and affirmations that foster a deep-seated love for oneself. The workshop is a sanctuary where mindfulness meets self-compassion. Faith’s guidance helps you unlock your emotions, challenge limiting beliefs, and embrace the fullness of your being. You'll cultivate inner peace through intentional breathing practices and meditation, setting the tone for introspective journaling sessions where your thoughts and affirmations take flight. This workshop is not just a class; it's a transformative process that gifts you the clarity and courage to return to your truest self. Join us to honor your path, illuminate your spirit, and write the story of your heart's revival.

avatar for Faith Hunter

Faith Hunter

Founder/Author/Speaker, Spiritually Fly™
Faith Hunter is an esteemed global yoga and meditation instructor, wellness philanthropist, movement motivator, healing guide, and passionate music enthusiast. She is the creator of the Spiritually Fly™ philosophy, a life approach designed to awaken the inner brilliance of the soul... Read More →

Sunday June 30, 2024 10:00am - 11:15am MDT
Sacred Space & Wellness Haven at the Conference Center

12:00pm MDT

Empower Your Voice: Shakti Mantra and Yogic Technique

Learn and practice powerful Shakti mantras (ancient chants to the divine feminine) to help connect your voice to the center of your power. Through applying special yogic techniques such as pranayama and specific asana we will open up our sonic channels and fill them with divine vibration, creating a resonant, harmonic field of transformational healing energy.

avatar for Jaya Lakshmi

Jaya Lakshmi

Musician, Producer, Teacher, Jaya Lakshmi Music
Jaya Lakshmi began leading kirtan and writing devotional songs on the guitar, harmonium, and piano in the early 1990s shortly after receiving initiation from Srila Govinda Maharaj, a spiritual teacher of bhakti (devotion) from West Bengal, India.As a singer/songwriter, she is known... Read More →

Sunday June 30, 2024 12:00pm - 1:15pm MDT
Sacred Space & Wellness Haven at the Conference Center
  Self-Care, Voice Workshop

2:00pm MDT

Tea and Tarot

The Tea Ceremony is a perfect elemental art. Silently, we drink tea from ancient trees grown in reverence. In this special space, we give the water, fire, and tea leaves a chance to communicate with us in their subtle and silent tongue. Old-growth trees have been taking in sunlight, rainwater, and starlight for hundreds of years. Drinking tea from their leaves in a ceremonial space allows us access to parts of our hearts that we usually cannot reach.

This practice pairs perfectly with tarot. After the tea ceremony (three bowls of tea in silence), we draw cards for the entire group and then for the individuals present who want personal readings.

Tarot card reading is like looking at oneself through the clarifying reflection of an intuitive friend. In these sessions, you are invited to participate as Jade interprets the tarot cards you draw from their deck. Tarot is not about reading the future or divining destiny. The cards are a set of elemental archetypes so ancient and true that we find ourselves magnetized to those that speak to our present situation.

You will leave this session feeling honored and held in reverence. A practice of tea ceremony and tarot can allow you to feel reconnected to your intuition. The elemental realm is already working on your behalf to create what your higher self desires. When we listen to the heart’s wisdom, we open to following the watercourse way toward what is in our highest potential.

avatar for Jade Rose

Jade Rose

Founder, Sanctuary Collective
Jade has been a student of tarot for over twenty years and is the author of three books about tarot. Additionally, Jade has taught meditation since she was eighteen but has found that tea ceremonies to be one of the most profound and yet easy-to-enter methods of meditation. The tea... Read More →

Sunday June 30, 2024 2:00pm - 3:15pm MDT
Sacred Space & Wellness Haven at the Conference Center

Filter sessions
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  • Level
  • All Levels
  • Beginner
  • Easy
  • For Teachers
  • For Women
  • Intermediate
  • Intermediate/Advanced
  • Moderate
  • Moderate/Strenuous
  • Style
  • Acro Yoga
  • Aerial Yoga/Hatha Informed
  • Ati Yoga
  • Bhakti
  • Daoism
  • Hatha / Iyengar
  • Instinctive Meditation
  • Integrated Vinyasa
  • Jivamukti Yoga
  • Kaiut Yoga
  • Kripalu Yoga
  • Kriya Yoga
  • Kundalini
  • LYT Yoga
  • Radiant Body Yoga
  • Sattva Yoga
  • Vinyasa
  • Vinyasa & Kundalini
  • Well-balanced blend of Iyengar Yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
  • Yin Yoga
  • Yin/Yang
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Zen Buddhism
  • What to Expect
  • & Dance
  • & Joy
  • 100% Asana
  • 100% Chanting & Meditation
  • 100% Lecture
  • 100% Meditation & Pranayama
  • 100% Movement
  • 100% Panel Talk
  • 100% Sound Healing
  • 30% Breathwork |30% Asana | 30% Dance |10% Meditation
  • 35% Asana | 35% Breathwork | 20% Yoga Nidra | 10% Discussion
  • 40% Discussion | 30% Meditation | 30% Journaling/Reflection
  • 50% Breathwork |30% Meditation | 10% Discussion |10% Journaling
  • 50% Meditation | 25% Journaling | 15% Breathwork | 10% Discussion
  • 50% Singing/Chanting | 50% Discussion/Pranayama
  • 50% Talk | 25% Meditation | 25% Drawing
  • 50% Yin | 50% Storytime
  • 60% Discussion | 25% asana |15% Meditation/Pranayama
  • 60% Meditation | 40% Discussion
  • 70% Asana & Breathwork | 30% Discussion
  • 70% Asana | 30% Meditation/Pranayama
  • 70% Chanting | 30% Discussion & Q&A
  • 70% Movement | 30% Breath & Meditation
  • 75% asana; 15% mantra
  • 80% Asana | 10% Discussion | 10% Meditation
  • 80% Asana | 15% Discussion | 5% Paddle
  • 80% Asana | 20 % Discussion
  • 80% Asana | 20% Discussion
  • 80% Asana | 20% Mantra
  • 80% Asana | 20% Mantra/Pranayama/Meditation
  • 80% Asana | 20% Pranayama/Meditation
  • 80% Asana | 20% Talk
  • 80% Discussion | 20% Body Reading
  • 80% Discussion | 20% Recipes
  • 80% Hula Hooping | 20% Discussion
  • 80% Restorative Asana | 20% Pranayama/Meditation
  • 80% Sound Journey | 20% Discussion
  • 85% Asana | 15% Meditation
  • 85% Asana | 5% Meditation | 5% Chanting | 5% Discussion
  • 85% Movement |15% Storytelling
  • 90% Asana
  • 90% Asana | 10% Discussion
  • 90% Asana |10% Discussion
  • 90% Asana |10% Meditation
  • 95% Asana | 5% Discussion
  • 95% Asana | 5% Meditation
  • Breath & Meditation
  • Dance
  • Deep Savasana
  • Lecture |Breathwork |Meditation
  • Mantra & Story
  • Meditation
  • meditation; 10% dance party (probably)
  • Must be OK with exposure and heights
  • Open house style - drop in and stay as long as you like
  • Music
  • DJ'd Class
  • Live Music
  • Playing from Playlist
  • Singing/Chanting/Harmonium
  • Sound Off Experience
  • This session will not have music